Love and Serve to Humanity

A safe and joyful place for Every children

Flyers NGO believes that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, and they work to provide educational resources and support to children and adults in need. They focus on developing and implementing literacy programs, providing access to stationary and other learning materials, and supporting the professional development of educators.

About us

We are here to help parents raise happy and healthy children

Flyers charitable Trust is a Registered Non-governtment Organisation and a research insititute working for the needy people to develop their physical mental, intellectual,social,emotional,moral and spiritual.

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Research and Publications


Understanding the needs, challenges, & effective intervention. Investigating the prevalence, risk factors & consequences of chid. Identifying individual, familial, & societal factors that promote resilience. Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions & program aimed at preventing. Examining the impact of trauma on children’s development & well-being. Assessing the strengths & weaknesses of child welfare systems & service delivery models. Exploring cross-cultural perspective & child participation.

Research Area

Child Well-being, Individual Development, Information & Knowledge, Skill & Growth Proper Care & Support from others, Peer group activities & behavioural analysis, Motor Co-ordination Language & Communication, Interpersonal relationships, Self & Social etiquette,

Research Outcomes

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Professional Services


Psychometric Assessment

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Psychological Counselling

Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.


Value Based Training Programme

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We welcome kids into our 2-4’s program based on their birth year.


The best early learning experience


Humility is the way to hire virtues.


Express everything, without expecting


Be Honest, to be trusted.


Don't bend, if you are right.

Meet the teachers

Experts in giving your children best start

Ella Stark

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Harriet Bailey

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Melinda Schiller

Teacher: 3-4 year olds

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Associate Insititution
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Colaberated Clubs
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Company Partners

Feed Forward

School Student

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Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis


Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis

College Students

Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis

More than just a joyful place

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